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corporate desktop under control
An installation media for desktops
A software catalog
One system to rule them all
... or a pendrive.
GECOS v2 installs itself in 10 minutes, leaving the computer ready for the end user.
You can install hundreds, thousands, millions of times for the same license cost: 0.
It's Free Open Source Software
The base install is quite easy.
Download a GECOS disk image and burn it on a DVD or USB drive, boot the computer from it, and follow the instructions from the Install Assistant.
For remote management we'll attach the installed desktop to GECOS Control Center, and to an user authentication source (LDAP or Active Directory).
Run the Configuration Assistant.
This way for a closer look
... when the graphical desktop starts,clic on the Install GECOS v2 icon
and press Continue
and press Continue
for GECOS in your computer.
You can have GECOS as the only Operating System or use several O.S. in the same computer.
At this point, you can create, delete or modify any disk partition.
Press Continue
The installer guesses from your Internet connection, but you can change it.
Press Continue
Probably you won't need to change this.
Press Continue
These are basic data items needed for the installer to configure your desktop.
The user and password in this form will allow you to log in for the first time, please write them down.
Press Continue one more time.
Wait for the installer to do it's job.
Normally it takes only five or ten minutes, but it depends on the DVD or USB drive and hard drive speeds.
Installation is over.
Reboot your computer and don't forget to remove the DVD or USB drive.
Now you should attach the newly installed computer to a GECOS Control Center.
Log in to the computer.
You'll need the user and password you typed during installation.
or GECOS Config Assistant, will guide you step by step in order to attach the computer to GECOS Control Center
Only superusers, as the user created during the installation, can run G.C.A.
Your network connection should be properly set up, check it.
Press Next
download configuration parameters from the Control Center.
You only need to remember one URL.
is essential for desktops and servers to communicate in a reliable way.
Provide the address of a Network Time Server (NTP) that your desktop computers can reach.
the computer with a name or code.
This name will be used by the Control Center to identify the computer.
The name must be unique within your organization.
the desktop to a Control Center allows you to configure, monitor, inventory... without moving around, just from your computer or tablet.
If you need it, you can have unattached GECOS computers.
to the next screen, the assistant completes the form automatically .
Don't check the last field unless you are re-attaching a desktop to the Control Center.
A GECOS desktop can authenticate users by either system.
Or you can create local users without external authentication.
to provide tech support, for emergency cases, or where no centralized authentication is available.
You can add users now, or much better, skip this and do it from the Control Center.
You can install them now, or you can complete the attachment process and do it from the Control Center.
Don't forget to press Apply before Exit.
In a few seconds, the Asistant will have configured the desktop, put it under the management of the Control Center and connected it to the authentication system.
Exit the Assistant, and...
Supervised, tested, and malware/virus free.
under free licenses, that you can install without per user or per desktop fees
in a supported repository that's periodically updated.
You can add your own repositories for privative or restricted software.
Simple in the outside, but complex inside.
Based on standars, and well-known, reliable, free open source products and frameworks.
clearly seen in the hierarchy tree on left panel.
You can create delegate administrators for selected organizational units (OU).
computers, users, groups and organizational units, storage, printers or software repositories.
From a homogeneous and friendly web interface.
range from installing software, to changing desktop background, or blocking the use of USB drives.
Apply policies to single desktops or users, or to groups or organizational units.
You apply policies and GECOS enforces them.